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Edema treatments at skin care Amsterdam Oosterpark

First consultation free

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At Huidzorg Amsterdam Oosterpark you can go for treatment of various forms of edema. Treatment of edema is often started intensively with twice a week. In the meantime, there is good evaluation and – if indicated – the number of treatments can be reduced.

Edema therapy can consist of different parts, which treatment interventions are used, depends on the edema type. The treatment process is based on the individual patient, the type of edema, duration and severity of the edema.

The first consultation will look at which interventions are appropriate and a treatment process will be drawn up and discussed.

  • Manuele lymfedrainage (MLD)
    Manual lymph drainage is a technique in which the fluid absorption by the lymph vessels is stimulated by a gentle pumping movement. The lymphatic system is activated and stimulated to increase lymph drainage
  • Oedeem & Fibrosegrepen
    Edema and fibro grips are special handles that are used if there is hardened tissue (fibrosis). It is a deeper form of massage.
  • Endermologie /LPG

    Endermologie is a therapy that is performed with an LPG device. The LPG device treats the skin and underlying tissue. This is done with a number of cylinders that lift and unroll the skin. This promotes blood flow, stimulates the drainage of lymph fluid and softens fibrotic, scarring and other hardened tissue.

  • Intermitterende Pneumatische compressie (IPC)
    Compression is applied to the limbs by means of a pump (lymphapress) and cuffs around an arm or leg. This increases blood flow and stimulates the drainage of tissue fluid.
  • Lymftaping/lymfepads
    Lymph tape is a skin-friendly tape that stays on the skin between treatments. With every movement, the lymph tape stimulates fluid drainage and relaxes fibrosis, scars and other hardened tissue. We have a skin-friendly tape that can also be used on skin that has an allergic reaction to patches
  • Therapeutisch elastische kousen (TEK)
    Therapeutic elastic stockings. The compression stocking ensures that the reduction of edema is maintained, but can also serve as prevention.

Additional therapies

  • Wound care
    When there is also a wound in the edema area, we treat both the wound and the edema in the same treatment. We do this by caring for the wound, applying ambulatory compression therapy and possibly using the lymphapress (IPC).
  • Scar treatment
    If a scar gives symptoms such as pain, itching, redness, thickening and adhesion, this can be treated with special massage handles, endermologie / LPG device, lymph taping and silicone plasters. This allows treatment of a possible movement restriction, improving the wound healing process and visual aspect.
  • Additional compression therapy
    Compression therapy involves bandaging an arm or leg with bandages. This therapy is mainly intended if there is a lot of moisture present, and we want to reduce and stabilize this so that appropriate compression can be fitted.
  • Movement advice
    Sometimes there is a restriction of movement, which we often see in the armpit area for (ex) breast cancer clients, for example, we can include movement exercises for this. When a client starts or stays moving at home, the result of our edema therapy is optimized.

Treatment results

Rates and compensations

For edema therapy, you may be eligible for reimbursement from the insurance. To be eligible for reimbursement, you need a referral from your general practitioner or specialist. If there is no chronic indication, you can use your additional package.


Huidzorg Amsterdam Oosterpark is located in Amsterdam East, about a 5-minute walk from the OLVG location east.


We don’t recommend to come by car to the practise due to limited parking spots. There are a few parking spots around the practise. There are a few parking spots in the street of the practise. When these are taken, the best option is to park the car at the OLVG oost parking lot. 

Note: All parking spots are paid parking

Public transportation

Huidzorg Amsterdam Oosterpark is easy to reach with public transportation by taking metro 51, 53 en 54. Get off at the stop Weesperplein, from this stop it’s a four minute walk. Take the metro exit ‘HvA’. Walk straight across the bridge, keep left. You find us at number 6, next to cafe ‘boterham’ that is located at the corner of the street.


Ofcourse you can also come by bicycle. From the city center it’s about 10 minutes by bike to the practise. See google maps for the best cycle route. There are a lot bicycle stands in front of the practise.

Making an appointment

You can always schedule a free and no-obligation intake with one of our skin and edema therapists.
The Skin and edema therapists of Skin Therapist NL are all registered in the quality register paramedics (KP). For more information or to make an appointment, you can always contact us without obligation.


Huidzorg Amsterdam Oosterpark

Andreas Bonnstraat 6, 1091 AX Amsterdam

Office hours

8:00 – 16:30
11:30 – 19:30
9:00 – 17:30
09:30 – 18:00

First consultation free

Questions or make an appointment for your free initial consultation?
Enter your phone number and one of our skin therapists will call you back:

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

At Huidzorg Amsterdam Oosterpark you can go for treatment of various forms of edema. Treatment of edema is often started intensively with twice a week. In the meantime, there is good evaluation and – if indicated – the number of treatments can be reduced.

Edema therapy can consist of different parts, which treatment interventions are used, depends on the edema type. The treatment process is based on the individual patient, the type of edema, duration and severity of the edema.

The first consultation will look at which interventions are appropriate and a treatment process will be drawn up and discussed.

  • Manuele lymfedrainage (MLD)
    Manual lymph drainage is a technique in which the fluid absorption by the lymph vessels is stimulated by a gentle pumping movement. The lymphatic system is activated and stimulated to increase lymph drainage
  • Oedeem & Fibrosegrepen
    Edema and fibro grips are special handles that are used if there is hardened tissue (fibrosis). It is a deeper form of massage.
  • Endermologie /LPG

    Endermologie is a therapy that is performed with an LPG device. The LPG device treats the skin and underlying tissue. This is done with a number of cylinders that lift and unroll the skin. This promotes blood flow, stimulates the drainage of lymph fluid and softens fibrotic, scarring and other hardened tissue.

  • Intermitterende Pneumatische compressie (IPC)
    Compression is applied to the limbs by means of a pump (lymphapress) and cuffs around an arm or leg. This increases blood flow and stimulates the drainage of tissue fluid.
  • Lymftaping/lymfepads
    Lymph tape is a skin-friendly tape that stays on the skin between treatments. With every movement, the lymph tape stimulates fluid drainage and relaxes fibrosis, scars and other hardened tissue. We have a skin-friendly tape that can also be used on skin that has an allergic reaction to patches
  • Therapeutisch elastische kousen (TEK)
    Therapeutic elastic stockings. The compression stocking ensures that the reduction of edema is maintained, but can also serve as prevention.

Additional therapies

  • Wound care
    When there is also a wound in the edema area, we treat both the wound and the edema in the same treatment. We do this by caring for the wound, applying ambulatory compression therapy and possibly using the lymphapress (IPC).
  • Scar treatment
    If a scar gives symptoms such as pain, itching, redness, thickening and adhesion, this can be treated with special massage handles, endermologie / LPG device, lymph taping and silicone plasters. This allows treatment of a possible movement restriction, improving the wound healing process and visual aspect.
  • Additional compression therapy
    Compression therapy involves bandaging an arm or leg with bandages. This therapy is mainly intended if there is a lot of moisture present, and we want to reduce and stabilize this so that appropriate compression can be fitted.
  • Movement advice
    Sometimes there is a restriction of movement, which we often see in the armpit area for (ex) breast cancer clients, for example, we can include movement exercises for this. When a client starts or stays moving at home, the result of our edema therapy is optimized.

Treatment results

Rates and compensations

For edema therapy, you may be eligible for reimbursement from the insurance. To be eligible for reimbursement, you need a referral from your general practitioner or specialist. If there is no chronic indication, you can use your additional package.


Huidzorg Amsterdam Oosterpark is located in Amsterdam East, about a 5-minute walk from the OLVG location east.


We don’t recommend to come by car to the practise due to limited parking spots. There are a few parking spots around the practise. There are a few parking spots in the street of the practise. When these are taken, the best option is to park the car at the OLVG oost parking lot. 

Note: All parking spots are paid parking

Public transportation

Huidzorg Amsterdam Oosterpark is easy to reach with public transportation by taking metro 51, 53 en 54. Get off at the stop Weesperplein, from this stop it’s a four minute walk. Take the metro exit ‘HvA’. Walk straight across the bridge, keep left. You find us at number 6, next to cafe ‘boterham’ that is located at the corner of the street.


Ofcourse you can also come by bicycle. From the city center it’s about 10 minutes by bike to the practise. See google maps for the best cycle route. There are a lot bicycle stands in front of the practise.

Making an appointment

You can always schedule a free and no-obligation intake with one of our skin and edema therapists.
The Skin and edema therapists of Skin Therapist NL are all registered in the quality register paramedics (KP). For more information or to make an appointment, you can always contact us without obligation.

Huidtherapeut NL