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Endermology is an intensive connective tissue massage. The treatment promotes blood circulation to the skin, softens hardened (scar) tissue and stimulates the elimination of lymph fluid and fat cells.

Indications for endermology are lip edema, fibrosis in lymphedema, irradiated skin, trapped fat accumulation (panniculose, also known as cellulite), pain in muscles and joints, scars, skin sagging and following lip sculpture or liposuction.

The treatment

Endermology is an intensive connective tissue massage using an LPG device. The cylinders of this device pick up a skin fold and unroll it in slow and regular movements. As a result, the skin, subcutaneous tissue and underlying connective tissue are massaged firmly but painlessly. It is a kind of skin gymnastics that improves the structure of the connective tissue, promotes blood flow and stimulates the drainage of lymph fluid and thus the removal of waste. It initiates a natural process in which fat deposits are broken down and the skin becomes healthy and strong.

The skin may be red and sensitive after treatment. If bruising occurs after the treatment, we ask you to report this at your next treatment, so that we can adjust the intensity. Drink plenty of water both before and after the treatment so that the released waste materials can be properly disposed of and you will not suffer from a headache. It is also important to actively move within 6 hours after the treatment, for example by means of sports or walking, in order to stimulate the removal of waste products.

The result

The treatment reduces fat and fluid accumulations and improves the connective tissue structure. The formation of elastin and collagen fibers is stimulated. This makes the skin firmer, smoother, smoother and healthier.

First consultation free and without obligation

The first appointment is free and without obligation. During the first appointment, the intake, we go through your details and relevant medical history with you. Here we look at whether there may be a (relative) contraindication, so that treatment may not be an option.
We also look closely at the skin and then draw up an individual treatment plan based on this skin analysis. You will receive information about the treatment and advice.

Reimbursement by health insurers

Edema therapy is (partly) reimbursed by most insurance companies. Ask your skin therapist for advice if you are unsure whether a certain treatment is reimbursed

The reimbursements for treatments by a skin therapist vary considerably. They depend on the treatment indication and your insurer.

In the case of edema therapy by means of, among other things, endermology, you can qualify for reimbursement. You often need a referral from your doctor or specialist. If there is no chronic indication, you can use your supplementary package.

If there is a chronic indication, the first 20 treatments are taken from the supplementary package. After the first 20 treatments, the reimbursement is transferred to the basic package under a chronic code. The deductible applies annually.

During an intake interview we look at the reimbursement, insurance and the (chronic) indication. Please note: the level of the supplementary reimbursement and whether a referral from a general practitioner or specialist is mandatory varies per insurance package.

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Huidtherapeut NL