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Pigmentation laser treatment

The laser light is absorbed by the pigment in the pigment spot. This pigment stain temporarily darkens. Inside the pigmentation, the pigment chains are broken and then the skin cleans up the pigment.

The laser light is absorbed by the pigment in the pigment spot. This pigment spot will therefore temporarily darken. Inside the pigment spot, the pigment chains are broken and the skin then cleans up the pigment.

At Huidtherapeut NL we can treat different types of pigmentation spots

  • Sunspots (lentigo solaris)
  • Age spots (lentigo senilis)
  • Freckles
  • Dark spots after damage such as a pustel or planing area (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation)

How many treatments are needed?

It may be that the pigment spot after one treatment is no longer visible. Often 2-4 treatments are needed to achieve the best result. The treatments take place every 4-6 weeks.

The laser is precisely tailored to your skin type. The Alexandrite laser is used up to skin type 4. Pigment spots with skin types 5 and 6 are not suitable for laser treatment. We can treat these skin types through chemical peels.

Result Pigment spots Laser treatment

First consultation free and without obligation

The first appointment is free and without obligation. During the first appointment, the intake, we go through your details and relevant medical history with you. Here we look at whether there may be a (relative) contraindication, so that treatment may not be an option.
We also look closely at the skin and then draw up an individual treatment plan based on this skin analysis. You will receive information about the treatment and advice.

Reimbursement by health insurers

The reimbursement depends on the type of treatment and the insurance. In many cases you must have additional insurance and sometimes a referral from your general practitioner or specialist is required to be eligible for reimbursement.

Acne therapy, camouflage therapy, laser hair removal and edema therapy are (partially) reimbursed by most insurance companies. Ask your skin therapist for advice if you are not sure whether a certain treatment will be reimbursed.


Pigment treatment

Pigmentation is reduced by chemical peeling (this treatment is suitable for all skin types).

Freezing the lesion.

Freckles / pigmentation spots large area removal by means of laser

Freckles / pigmentation spots medium area removal by means of a laser.

Freckles / pigmentation spots small area removal by means of laser

Table of contents


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Huidtherapeut NL